West Hendon Regeneration

The Project
The regeneration of the West Hendon estate aims to transform the area and provide significant social, environmental and economic benefits for residents and the wider community.
This regeneration was a huge undertaking, including over 2,000 high-quality private and affordable homes, surrounding shops and businesses, a community centre, better roads and land for a new school. With such a large project and high expectations for the development, Power On was chosen to ensure that this critical phased-project was successfully energised.
A Phased Approach
With such a large development it has been necessary for a phased approach to be undertaken. Phase 3B (Block F) consists of 207 dwellings and associated landlord supplies – equalling approximately 6km of HV cabling, one 1MVA substation, 650 metres of LV main cabling, and 6km of service cabling.
Phase 3C (Blocks H3, H4 and G4) consists of 92 dwellings, 6 retail supplies and associated landlord supplies, 300 metres of HV cabling, one 1MVA substation, multiple LV points of connection, 600 metres of LV main cabling and 2700 metres of LV service cables.
Future Phases will involve the construction of another five 1MVA substations, associated HV cabling and LV works, for each block up to each meter point.
- Electricity

Challenges Presented
The challenges on the scheme included extremely compressed timings for energisation of the first flats. Power On installed and pre-commissioned package substations while other items were still being completed, so as not to delay energisation. Resources were increased and Power On employees worked evenings and weekends, at no additional charge, to enable booked meter installation.
Significant Savings
Power On successfully challenged the original 7MVA non-contestable offer with a cheaper solution by the installation of two ring-main units, rather than replacement of the existing 11kV board, to facilitate the connection at the Colindale Grid. This provided Barratt London with a saving of £2.6m.
An alternative offsite route, devised by Power On to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, combined the offsite works with another two on-going Power On schemes, providing a further saving to Barratt London of over £154,000.