All Utilities

All Utilities. One Provider
We work with all sizes and types of customers, from independent housebuilders to the UK’s largest and most respected main contractors, developers, and consultants. We deliver first-class utility infrastructure solutions to new-build housing, high-rise residential developments, major electricity infrastructure projects, and mixed-use schemes.
We pride ourselves on developing the best possible utility infrastructure solution for our customers’ projects and delivering these through a coordinated approach. We provide the utilities required on a development from one, single point of contact.
We deliver innovative, efficient, competitive, and compliant new utility connections. We are your connections partner for all utilities – electricity, water, wastewater, fibre, heat, and gas infrastructure – providing sustainable solutions to developments across the UK.

Electricity Networks
Electricity is a crucial element in the drive for zero carbon. Generated by clean, renewable sources and powering everything from heating to EV charging points and smart home technology, electricity networks will be at the heart of the new homes of the future. Power On has the capability to lead that transformation.
We provide tailored electricity connection solutions on new-build developments nationwide. Our in-house experts create customised designs for projects of every type, size, and complexity, including Extra High Voltage (EHV), High Voltage (HV) or large Low Voltage (LV) supplies.
We design, deliver, and adopt electricity distribution networks, for long-term ownership through our Group’s regulated Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) licence. Customer benefits include vastly enhanced control of the connections programme and phased energisations. The removal of the DNO from the critical path leads to greater efficiency in the co-ordination of the project and legal processes.
We are accredited to carry out self-determination of connection points, to self-approve designs in-house and to undertake self-connection works, all of which speeds up the process considerably, providing a complete ‘one-stop shop’.

Water and Wastewater Networks
Power On is ideally placed to unlock the benefits of competition in the water market and pass these on to our customers. We offer highly competitive pricing along with the benefits of a coordinated service for all utilities.
We undertake new water connections and adopt wastewater infrastructure, offering a phased approach, with approval from Ofwat under the New Appointment and Variation (NAV) scheme. We have the same responsibilities and provide the same supply services as the statutory water companies. Our licensed water company, Independent Water Networks, manages the long-term operation and maintenance of the networks.
Power On manages the entire end-to-end process from initial enquiry through to completion. We look after the relationship with the incumbent water company, so you don’t have to, finding the best possible solution for on- and off-site connections for each development.

Gigabit Fibre Networks
Power On’s 100% fibre networks are gigabit capable, already delivering service packages up to 1Gbps. This meets the requirements recommended by the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). It is an all-encompassing solution, allowing residential customers to enjoy ultrafast broadband, television, online streaming, and telephone services.
Our fibre network is open access, giving homeowners a choice of service providers and enabling them to choose a service package that meets their needs and budget. We have partnerships with Sky and Virgin to provide broadband services and TV. These two major brand names are available along with 15 further internet service providers (ISPs), all in one place, ready to provide broadband, telephone services, television and more from the day the homeowner moves in.
We also offer an option for Fibre Integrated Reception Systems (FIRS), delivering digital, terrestrial and satellite TV and digital radio to homes from a central dish and aerial array, ideal for higher-density developments or where planning requirements restrict the installation of satellite dishes and aerials.

Heat Networks
The decarbonisation of new homes has begun. The Future Homes Standard requires an immediate on carbon emissions and an end to the use of gas for heating new homes by 2025. Net carbon zero must be achieved by 2050.
This represents a big challenge for housebuilders and Power On is ideally placed to support the transition from gas-fired heating to zero-carbon solutions.
As a group, we deliver and own heat infrastructure across the UK and we are ready to support customers with the energy transition. We are technology agnostic, offering both on-plot and heat-network solutions that will meet the requirements of the Future Homes Standard. Generated by clean, renewable sources we can power everything from heat pumps to EV charging points.

Gas Networks
We have Lloyds Gas Industry Registration Scheme (GIRS) accreditation for the design, project management and audit of our gas networks. This ensures that they are constructed and delivered to the highest possible standards, meeting stringent industry specifications for safe and secure gas supplies, regulated by OFGEM.
We also offer a range of low-carbon heating solutions as an alternative to gas. This will lead the way to post-2025 provision of solutions for heating new-build homes to the Future Homes Standard.