Heat Networks

We’re your zero-carbon-ready heat partner.
The Future Homes Standard has set in motion a transformative journey, calling for an immediate 31% reduction in carbon emissions. By 2025, gas usage for heating new homes will end, ahead of a net-zero commitment by 2050.
This ambitious agenda poses a significant and immediate challenge for UK developers. With electricity now the primary energy source, Power On leads the charge with a zero-carbon-ready heat solution that is tried and tested.
We’re already delivering centralised low-carbon heat to new urban communities, facilitating the smooth transition from gas-fired heating to zero-carbon alternatives.
End to End Low Carbon Heat
We offer an end-to-end service covering every stage of a project. Whether it’s designing and constructing the network, facilitating its adoption, or ensuring its seamless ongoing operation, Power On is the specialist heat partner that can deliver it all.